Thinking of God

Have you ever sat and wondered what it will be like in heaven? What will we do? What we will be like? What God will look like? These are all things we probably consider during our lifetimes for they are reasonable questions about things yet to be in the future. If you have children or even grand children you know just how far their imaginations can stretch. Dreaming of their future, planning out what they are going to do, it is so fascinating what a child can imagine. Just as a child can look dreamy eyed into their future and look with excitement of what they might do, (when it comes to eternity) we as Christians can do the same. Why not think about heaven and how great it will be…for the Bible tells us that it’s going to be pretty awesome (cf. Revelation 21 & 22).  And how can it not be for this is where God resides. And I’m sure that John’s description in Revelation doesn’t even scratch the service of God’s greatness and the many splendid wonders that exist in heaven. But it still can’t stop us from thinking about God and what awaits us on the other side. And there is absolutely nothing wrong about thinking about our future. Why not? If we obey the gospel and then continue to be obedient to it while we are here on earth, it is only natural for us to think about what awaits on the other side. Knowing that there is a unbelievable reward awaiting for us once we pass on from this existence is a great motivating factor to help us continue to do God’s will in our lives. And it can be a great motivator to help teach others about this fantastic reward. So if thinking about God helps you do His will in your life…I say all the better. So let us all put our focus on God by constantly thinking about His ways and His Word as we live out our lives. Chris Gardner

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