(No Holds Barred, Battle to the Death) James 3:13-18
We have all probably watched, or at least heard of, a wrestling match between two opponents (usually a good guy called in the wrestling business “the face” and the bad guy known as “the heel”). Leading up to this death match the two usually have taken every cheap shot and sucker punch they could to make their opponents life as miserable as possible. This might go on for years until they finally get to the point where the two supposedly hate each other so much that they end up fighting in a no holds barred, counts count anywhere, street fight. As you can imagine the contest will eventually get bloody but a winner has to be crowned. This same scenario is currently being played in the world we live in, not with individuals testing each other’s knowledge of wrestling moves, but with wisdom. In the book of James, the writer by the same name writes about this kind of match involving heavenly wisdom verses demonic. James starts off in v13-14 by stating the two sides: “Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom. But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth.” On one side you have those who display themselves with conduct of meekness in their wisdom and on the other you have wisdom that is bitter and envious, self-seeking, which leads to individuals to even lie against what they know is the truth. According to v15 the type of wisdom that causes people to have “bitter envy” and selfish ambition in their hearts is “not from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic.” Our world is full of demonic wisdom for it is behind every move to undermine the authenticity and authority of God’s Word, which is the heavenly wisdom that is in opposition to the false teachings of demonic wisdom. James goes on in v16 to explain about demonic wisdom. “For where envy and self-seeking (or selfish ambition) exist, confusion, and every evil thing are there.” Since we know from Scripture that “God is not a God of confusion, but of peace” (1 Cor. 14:33) then any wisdom contrary to that or has the opposite effect cannot be from God and has to be from Satan. And when we see people of the world, and sadly even in the church, use this type of wisdom we know that it does not have the effect that heavenly wisdom has. Heavenly wisdom coming from God edifies and builds us up while demonic does nothing but destroy and break down. And then in v17 James describes what wisdom from above is. “But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.” James gives us a lot on heavenly wisdom he first describes it as “pure”. Pure means not mixed, free of contamination, clear and complete not needing additives. God’s wisdom needs nothing else for it is true and pure like its source. Next he describes God’s wisdom as “peaceable”.Another word for peaceable is tranquil which means free from commotion, so God’s wisdom brings peaceas opposed that comes from demonic wisdom. Then James writes that heavenly wisdom is “gentile”. Like peaceable gentile wisdom seeks neither conflict nor yields conflict, but rather should be “willing to yield”. This phrase comes from a very unique Greek word “eupeithes” meaning “eu” easy and “peithomai” to persuade or easy to persuade. This word “eupeithes” is not found anywhere else in the entire Bible, making its only appearance to describe heavenly wisdom.The next phrase “full of mercyand good fruits” as well helps us visualize and know the exact type of wisdom that is from God. James also writes that heavenly wisdom is without partiality. Since it originates from God and Scripture, it likewise expresses that God is not partial (Acts 10:34), then we likewise can understand that all wisdom coming from an impartial God would be impartial as well. And the last description given is that heavenly wisdom is “without hypocrisy.”A hypocrite is one who plays a part, play acting, wears a mask or a pretender and/or is using the act of deception. Heavenly wisdom needs not to hide its true intentions for people to accept it. It is because it is true and pure being from God that so many eagerly and readily accept it. Then in v18 James concludes this section by stating how the “fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.” James here ends by explaining that the results of heavenly wisdom are good, leading to the fruit of righteousness. This fruit cannot come from demonic wisdom which is in contradiction to everything that is from God; hence, why James states that the fruit of righteousness can only be sown by those who are in peace with God, allowing them to use this wisdom to help bring this same peace to others in the world who are seeking it. There should be no doubt in our minds as to whether there are two opposing views of wisdom in the world. We need only look to the world itself to see that demonic wisdom continues to cloud people’s perspective. Thankfully, God, knowing what we face in this world, has given us His wisdom as found in His Word to help us contradict the lies and false teachings of all the demonic wisdom that Satan has tried to fill our world with. Even though the battle continues until Christ returns in the end, there will be a winner and as we are taught from even a young age, righteousness always prevails over evil even in the form of wisdom.
1/7/23 - Chris Gardner