Buying Truth (Proverbs 23:23)

In the 23rd chapter of Proverbs and the 23rd verse we read of Solomon giving some very basic but good advice, “Buy the truth, and do not sell it, Also wisdom and instruction and understanding.” Here Solomon declares how it’s good to buy truth along with wisdom, instruction, and understanding and never sell. For a world where most people are so self absorbed, only worried about the now, this advice from Solomon is timeless. 

As Christians we know better than most how, due to our evangelistic efforts, the one thing people need the most seems to be the one thing they do not have time for, referring to Godly truth. The problem is most people just do not understand how precious their souls truly are. But Jesus knew all too well and clearly conveys this message to us in Matt. 16:26, “For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” There is some question here whether the word soul (in the Greek) is meaning either the life force that animates the body or the eternal part of our existence, but with each view we can still see Jesus’ point in how both are precious. If it is referring to our life force, we all understand the value of life for we only get one and there are no do over’s. We have to be sure we make the most of our time so as not to squander it with vain pursuits of pleasure. If it is referring to our eternal part then salvation becomes man’s earthly focus so as to prepare themselves for the life to come. Either way, the time we spend here in the physical earth becomes important, stressing to each individual that they do not squander their lives on chasing the pursuits of the world, but instead make the most of our time living for God. The best way people can do exactly that is by buying truth and not selling. Once individuals gain the understanding of how vain the pursuit of worldliness is they usual begin to seriously look for better answers- as Solomon wrote in Proverbs 23:23 there is nothing more valuable than truth. Our Lord and Savior proclaimed that there is power in the truth and the truth is what has the potential to set every individual free (John 8:32). The truth that Jesus was referring to is the power of His gospel. Once we have gained the knowledge of the gospel and what it has the potential to do, each person is left with the choice to either buy the truth that will set their souls free or they can sell it and continue to pursue the vain pursuits of life hoping that they will bring them happiness. Some have found the truth and bought in, but the majority of the world (under the influence of Satan) has not yet found the truth to buy. That is where the Christian individual comes into play. Our responsibility is to be the constant salesman looking for opportunities to sell the truth, because we have the greatest thing anyone could ever want to buy with the gift of salvation. The greatest thing about it is that it is  free for Jesus already purchased it on the cross. As Christians let us also be examples to the world in that once we found what we were looking for we do as Solomon suggests and never sell.